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2023-03-10 04:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Form model

First of all, you need to create a model that will handle file upload. Create models/UploadForm.php with the following content:

namespace app\models;use yii\base\Model;use yii\web\UploadedFile;/** * UploadForm is the model behind the upload form. */class UploadForm extends Model{    /**     * @var UploadedFile|Null file attribute     */    public $file;    /**     * @return array the validation rules.     */    public function rules()    {        return [            [['file'], 'file'],        ];    }}

In the code above, we created a model UploadForm with an attribute $file that will become  in the HTML form. The attribute has the validation rule named file that uses FileValidator.

Form view

Next create a view that will render the form.


The 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data' is important since it allows file uploads. fileInput() represents a form input field.


Now create the controller that connects form and model together:

namespace app\controllers;use Yii;use yii\web\Controller;use app\models\UploadForm;use yii\web\UploadedFile;class SiteController extends Controller{    public function actionUpload()    {        $model = new UploadForm();        if (Yii::$app->request->isPost) {            $model->file = UploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'file');            if ($model->validate()) {                                $model->file->saveAs('uploads/' . $model->file->baseName . '.' . $model->file->extension);            }        }        return $this->render('upload', ['model' => $model]);    }}

Instead of model->load(...) we are using UploadedFile::getInstance(...). UploadedFile does not run the model validation. It only provides information about the uploaded file. Therefore, you need to run validation manually via $model->validate(). This triggers theFileValidator that expects a file:

$file instanceof UploadedFile || $file->error == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE //in code framework

If validation is successful, then we're saving the file:

$model->file->saveAs('uploads/' . $model->file->baseName . '.' . $model->file->extension);

If you're using "basic" application template then folder uploads should be created under web.

That's it. Load the page and try uploading. Uplaods should end up in basic/web/uploads.

Additional informationRequired rule

If you need to make file upload mandatory use skipOnEmpty like the following:

public function rules(){    return [        [['file'], 'file', 'skipOnEmpty' => false],    ];}MIME type

It is wise to validate type of the file uploaded. FileValidator has property $extensions for the purpose:

public function rules(){    return [        [['file'], 'file', 'extensions' => 'gif, jpg',],    ];}

The thing is that it validates only file extension and not the file content. In order to validate content as well use mimeTypes property ofFileValidator:

public function rules(){    return [        [['file'], 'file', 'extensions' => 'jpg, png', 'mimeTypes' => 'image/jpeg, image/png',],    ];}

List of common media types

Validating uploaded image

If you upload an image, ImageValidator may come in handy. It verifies if an attribute received a valid image that can be then either saved or processed using Imagine Extension.

Uploading multiple files

If you need download multiple files at once some adjustments are required. View:


The difference is the following line:


namespace app\controllers;use Yii;use yii\web\Controller;use app\models\UploadForm;use yii\web\UploadedFile;class SiteController extends Controller{    public function actionUpload()    {        $model = new UploadForm();        if (Yii::$app->request->isPost) {            $files = UploadedFile::getInstances($model, 'file');            foreach ($files as $file) {                $_model = new UploadForm();                $_model->file = $file;                if ($_model->validate()) {                    $_model->file->saveAs('uploads/' . $_model->file->baseName . '.' . $_model->file->extension);                } else {                    foreach ($_model->getErrors('file') as $error) {                        $model->addError('file', $error);                    }                }            }            if ($model->hasErrors('file')){                $model->addError(                    'file',                    count($model->getErrors('file')) . ' of ' . count($files) . ' files not uploaded'                );            }        }        return $this->render('upload', ['model' => $model]);    }}

The difference is UploadedFile::getInstances($model, 'file'); instead of UploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'file');. Former returns instances for all uploaded files while the latter gives you only a single instance.




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